Ebay seller cancelled my order. But it’s not seller fault? Ebay support recommend him to cancel my order…
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Escalation from eBay Helpbot
2020 – 12 – 03
Thank you for contacting eBay, my name is Rain from Escalations Team. May I know your full name please.
Thanks Ivan, I’m sorry to know that the seller was not able to send your item.
why you recommend to cancel ?
For me to understand the situation may I know more about what happen?
can I use screenshots here?
or you can read my eBay messages with this user
I’m sorry to know about your situation, may I ask what is the item involve for me to check useful information about what really happen?
about this listing
Thank you, please give me a moment to check this transaction.
And Ivan can you tell me what happen to this transaction?
seller canceled transaction because eBay support via Live chat said to cancel
Is this for the item Apple 2018 macbook pro 13 touch bar 256gb?
check links above
As I review the detail sI can see that the seller did cancel the transaction. And I know that this can be disappointing and I want to explain our outlook on cancellations.
A seller may cancel an order for a number of reasons, for instance they may be new to eBay, and didn’t list the item correctly, or the seller may no longer have the item in stock.
And with the claim that we eBay was the one who inform the seller to cancel the transaction it never happen.
but you can see screenshot from seller
eBay support via Live Chat recommend to cancel
I’m sorry but I cannot access the screen shots that you’ve send using the link.
you can read my eBay messages with seller?
From:brittani2008 To:acidivanrussia Sent:Dec-03-20 08:04
Yes, I was able to check the conversation between you and your seller about this transaction.
And I was also able to figure out that the seller already issued you a refund directly.
yes, but seller did it because eBay support said to cancel
and I want to know why
maybe it’s not real support
just eBay Helpbot?
I’m really sorry Ivan but we really cannot explain to you what happen since I cannot figure out what was the situation.
can you make ticket for deep review?
If you want further clarification you may ask your seller if they really claim that eBay was the one who suggested to cancel that transaction.
We can no longer stop the cancellation since refund was already issued. And just want to let you know that only seller can decide if they wish to cancel the transaction or not.
Sellers on eBay assume the responsibility for the item(s) they list. We protect our buyers by tracking how often a seller cancels an order, and we take corrective actions against sellers who cancel orders too often. Since eBay only facilitates the transaction without handling the physical item(s), we can’t force the seller to go through with the sale, but we ensure you will be refunded in full for a transaction if it is cancelled.
it’s not seller fault
she asked eBay support
and your answer – cancel transaction
and I want to know how to fix it for future
it’s live support or bot
who recommend to cancel
I do understand, their might be some reason to why the agent was able to suggest that. Since I cannot further validate their conversation you might ask first the seller on what did they inform the agent or what was the conversation all about.
can you make support ticket for this situation?
You don’t have to worry because we monitors sellers activities when it comes to cancellation.
Also, you can leave appropriate feedback for the seller that can let other buyers know about your experience. You can learn more about how to leave feedback here: https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/leaving-feedback-sellers?id=4007
We take corrective actions against sellers who cancel orders too often.
I don’t want bad feedback for this seller. I don’t think it’s her fault. She asked eBay support and support said – cancel this order.
Thats the reason why we will not command the seller to cancel transactions. And only your seller can really explain what was their conversation to why the agen was able to suggest that its better for them to cancel the purchase.
I see her screenshot with eBay messages
and you can see too
support recommend to cancel
I would suggest that you send us an email regarding these screen shots so we can also check what really happen and we can explain to you the situation.
email, please
Thank you so much for understanding, you can send us an email directly through Help and Contact Page in your account.
and email address?
You can use this link https://www.ebay.com/help/call_us?type=ContactUs&initFrom=HOME&topicId=4000 for you to be routed to the Contact us page.
how I can attach this chat to email?
and I see contact us page
but don’t see email address
You can upload your documents at this link: https://ocsnext.ebay.com/ocs/mudcwf?deptName=USMemberAppeals To upload your document: Open the link. Sign in to your account. Select the Document type dropdown menu and choose General Information. Select Add file and upload your document. Add [Service Request.SR Number] in the Comments field, so we can track your documents. Select Send.
You can use this instead so you can send us an email with an attachments.
I see
To help us with your inquiry, please send proof of identity, address, or ownership of the items you listed on eBay.
my problem not listed here
it’s not support ticket – just form for some docs sending
Yes I do understand, thats the reason why you have to enter the details or question that you would like us to answer regarding the documents that you sent under the Comment section. You can input the item number so we would also know what is the item involved?
so complicated
much better use support ticket system or direct email
how to attach this chat?
when I click “end chat” I will receive chat copy?
Yes you will received an email transcript on what we’ve talked today once the chat ends.
Chat ended by acidivanrussia